The professional world has seen an increase in, maybe even an explosion of, co-working spaces! Even Alberta's newest city, Beaumont, created a space for communal professional work. This new, municipal endeavour, is all about camaraderie, education, and innovation.
The City managed to procure a store-front but there was no real online calling card. I designed a brand new site and chose a platform that was easy for those without html or other coding knowledge to maintain. I took photos and video of the space and matched the design to the colours in the logo.
Since this is a site for members of the coworking space, I included access to a member login enabling online booking of the space, internal e-mails, blog posting, and payment options.
Of course, this new website also needs to act as a funnel so there is a sign-up for information or even an option to book in a tour of the space.
Where are we without social?! Talking about a vibrant and innovative space means CoBIC needed an Instagram profile. I set that up (check out that bling bio I wrote) and designed brand guidelines, a communications plan, and a persona to go with it. Along with that I created the first 26 posts, focussing on bright and smiley images and professional but relaxed typography. Part of this content creation meant I was able to interview several people using the space and future partners. That was fun!